Business Administration - Curriculum

The Business Administration curriculum is designed to introduce students to the various aspects of the free enterprise system. Students will be provided with a fundamental knowledge of business functions and processes and an understanding of business organizations in today’s global economy.

Course work includes business concepts such as accounting, business law, economics, management, and marketing. Skills related to the application of these concepts are developed through the study of computer applications, communication, team building, and decision making.

Through these skills, students will have a sound business education base for lifelong learning. Graduates are prepared for employment opportunities in government agencies, financial institutions, and large to small business or industry.

Students may also be interested in the Hunting and Shooting Sports Management program.

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Business Administration - Program Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of business and the functions of management.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to apply basic accounting principles, theories, and procedures for analyzing, recording, and reporting financial data.
  3. Students will demonstrate skills in marketing and professional selling.
  4. Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of economic concepts and principles.
  5. Students will demonstrate the ability to make and defend ethical and legal decisions in a business setting.
  6. Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of organizational behavior and human resource management.
  7. Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of management in a globally interdependent, diverse business world.
  8. Students will demonstrate communication skills that include the abilities to read, comprehend, and analyze information; and to express ideas effectively through written and oral communications.
  9. Students will use computational skills to become sufficiently numerate to function as a member of society.
  10. Students will demonstrate technology skills including accessing and evaluating information, as well as communicating using technology.

Business Administration - Contact

Dr. Johnica Ellis-Kiser

Program Chair - Business Administration

Office 122, Barnhill-Jenkins Center for Innovation, Tarboro Campus
(252) 618-6656